Daniela Montagner
Suggestopedagogue with Italian
email: daniela@fastlearningschool.com
Fast Learning School
Fast Learning School is the suggestopedic learning centre created by Daniela Montagner. Originally from Italy, Daniela moved to the UK in 2013. Since then, she has been dedicating her life to language teaching and Suggestopedia.
Daniela got trained and certified by Dr Lozanov in 2008. She has been training adult learners for over 15 years as a language teacher and a Learning & Development specialist, too. She has developed solid skills in lifelong training and training designing. Daniela trained hundreds of adult learners in different contexts: both state and private organisations, teachers’ training courses and universities.
As a suggestopedic language teacher, Daniela teaches Italian as a foreign language for adult learners.
Also, she enjoys blogging about language teaching to share her experience as a suggestopedic teacher. Daniela leads a community of language teachers for bringing genuine innovation into the language teaching practice and for promoting meaningful, sustainable learning.
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